


The 1st ASEAN-ROK Business Council Meeting consisted of 3 sessions:
Session 1 covered the issue of how to structure and operate the Business Council.
Sessions 2 and 3 were devoted to the issues of cooperation in trade/investment and the development of SMEs between the two economies.

AKBC sessions were participant-led while one or two experts in relevant fields in each session were invited in order to make recommendations and help facilitate the discussion.

All participants were provided with opportunities to comment or raise issues during the three sessions.


Dec. 10. 2014. Busan, Republic of Korea

Opening Ceremony
  • Welcoming Remarks I: Dong-geun LEE, Executive Vice Chairman (KCCI)
  • Welcoming Remarks II: Mya HAN Vice President (UMFCCI)
  • Congratulatory Remark: Woon Ho LEE Deputy Minister, Ministry of Trade, Industry & Energy (MOTIE), Republic of Korea
MOU Signing Ceremony
Session 1: Operation of the ASEAN-ROK Business Council
  • Moderation: Dongyeob KIM, Professor, Institute for Southeast Asian Studies / Busan University of Foreign Studies
Networking Break
Session 2 : Deepening Cooperation between SMEs of ASEAN-ROK
  • Moderation: Pilky HONG, Professor, Department of Business Administration, Seoul Digital University
  • Presentation: Kibong MOON, Deputy Head of Unit, Trade and Investment Unit, ASEAN-Korea Centre
Networking Break
Session 3 : Stimulating Trade and Investment between ASEAN and Korea
  • Moderation: Choonglyol LEE, Professor, Department of Economics, Korea University Sejong Campus
  • Presentation: Sangjin LEE, Director General, Bureau of Trade Cooperation, Ministry of Trade, Industry & Energy, Republic of Korea
Closing Ceremony
  • Joint Statement
Networking Break